Furdance Budapest welcomes you!

Furry is an incredibly diverse community held together by a shared passion for anthropomorphic characters. Whether you're already part of this unique world or just discovering this vibrant community, you can always feel at home with us at Furdance Budapest.

Our programme includes numerous exciting events, discussion panels and, of course, parties, so that everyone will find something to keep them occupied. Join us when we celebrate at the Csokonai Cultural Centre from 17 to 19 August!

Online registration has started!

If you have already attended one of our events and have a Furdance Budapest account, please log in! If this is your first time, create an account for online registration!

Login Create an account

Join us!

If you would like to give something back to the community, or you want to present yourself, or you feel you would like to take part in the inner works of the organisation, check out the wide range of opportunities and join!

Enter the dance competition!

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers about the dance competition.

Exhibit at the Art Show!

The exhibition shows various artistic themes and styles, including drawings, digital creations and photography.

News and Updates

Waiting List, Image Upload, and Registration Closure

We would like to inform all interested parties that due to the great interest in tickets for Furdance Budapest 2024, we had to create a waiting list. Although the number of seats is limited, there is still a chance to attend the event.

June and July Updates

The application deadline is approaching! – Don’t miss it!

May Highlights

More news