News and updates

Fursuit Walk

We are pleased to announce that we have received approval for this year’s Fursuit Walk route! If you would like to take part in this event, please read the following information carefully.

The picture shows a golden cartoon dragon in black tones holding a wine glass with casual elegance. The Danube and the Chain Bridge in Budapest can be seen in the nocturnal background, with a view from Buda towards Pest.


Only a few more days until we meet again! In this article you will find the detailed schedule and programme of the event. Please note that the times listed here are for information purposes only. You will find the exact details on the notice boards and self-service terminals on site.

Fursuit Dance Competition

Don't forget, there are only a few days left until the registration deadline for the Fursuit Dance Competition! We would like to remind all interested participants to fill in the registration form as soon as possible, even if you do not yet know the music you want to dance to.

Waiting List, Image Upload, and Registration Closure

We would like to inform all interested parties that due to the great interest in tickets for Furdance Budapest 2024, we had to create a waiting list. Although the number of seats is limited, there is still a chance to attend the event.

June and July Updates

There is not much time left until August. So before we publish the detailed program schedule, we would like to introduce you to the programs that were included in the program booklet in June and July.

The application deadline is approaching! – Don’t miss it!

Whether you want to participate as a program or panel host, volunteer, art exhibitor or dance competition participant or reserve a table in the Artist Alley, don't hesitate! Application deadline: July 31, 2024.

May Highlights

The annual Furdance Budapest is just around the corner and we have something special for everyone! Let's see how our programme list has expanded beyond the returning programmes!

Let's support the Rókales Foundation

We felt that both the community and the event were ready to establish a tradition as old as the furry subculture. This year, we have a special opportunity to support a noble cause: the mission of the Rókales Foundation.

Join our volunteer team!

It's time to fulfil our promise and publicise the areas where we'd like to accept help from volunteers. If you'd like to help shape and organise our event, now is your chance to join us!

The picture shows a golden cartoon dragon in black tones holding a wine glass with casual elegance. The Danube and the Chain Bridge in Budapest can be seen in the nocturnal background, with a view from Buda towards Pest.

Let's meet again this year at Furdance Budapest!

Once again, the Csokonai Cultural Centre in the 15th district of Budapest will be our host for 3 full days from 17 to 19 August. Just a few more days to sleep, then registration for Furdance Budapest 2024 will open on 15 April 2024.

The picture shows a golden cartoon dragon in black tones holding a wine glass with casual elegance. The Danube and the Chain Bridge in Budapest can be seen in the nocturnal background, with a view from Buda towards Pest.

Discontinuation of the Partner Artist Program

E:Sajnálattal tapasztaltuk, hogy az idő múlásával hogy egyre kevesebben aktualizáljátok a referenciákat és elérhetőségeiteket a rendszerünkben. Ha alkotó vagy, mindenképp olvasd el a cikket!

Facebook account support discontinuation

Using Facebook to log in and connect your accounts will no longer be available on the Furdance website. If you use Facebook as a main method of logging in, please read the information below! Thank you for your understanding!