Facebook account support discontinuation

2024.04.02 10:08 CEST

Created using the work of Gerd Altmann. – © 2016 – Pixabay License

After careful consideration we have concluded that, we will not cater to the requirements that are needed for Facebook log-in. As you all know, Facebook was once the most popular platform for registration and log-in for most platforms, however in the recent years the usage has exponentially decreased to the point where it has almost disappeared.

We therefore decided, that we’re not going to make the necessary changes that could negatively affect all the users that do not use it as a main method of logging in. This decision will affect all the events that use Furdance Profile (Furdance Budapest, Winter Furs and Summer Furs).

If up until now you have used Facebook to log in, you will need to make a new Furdance profile. Pick the most optimal method of login, if you would like your badges and data to be moved over, please get in touch with the organisers. We will require your old details and we will transfer your data to the new Profile.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation!